Sunday, January 10, 2010

Global Connections Treasure Hunt!

Hello class!

Sorry it has taken me so long to write this blog!  However, we are back on track and it is good to be back!  :-)

The Global Connections Treasure Hunt has begun (thanks to the "Active Citizens Today" kit). You, as a Global Connections Detective, have one week to find all the global connections in your home. Presently we have 27 push pins on our world map.  Let's see how many more we can add!  Using  the following categories (food, clothing, furniture, music, t.v. shows, books/magazines, kitchen equipment/appliances, pictures, radio/computer/t.v., toys/games, or other), find at least 10 things in your house from another country and then write here at least TWO of your most surprising finds.  Go for 15, go for 20.  Go crazy finding all the Global Connections in your home.  Look at labels on food, packages, clothing and other products. Some things will be  a bit trickier (like furniture and appliances) so you might have to ask someone else  in your family. You can have more than one item under each category, but aim to find items from at least 5 different categories. Have fun going global in your home!

Your second task this week is to tell me whether or not you achieved your December goal(s)!

So, to summarize:

1.  Tell me at least TWO of your most surprising finds with respect to the treasure hunt.

2.  Tell me whether or not you achieved your goal(s) for December.  If you didn't, please elaborate and tell me why.

Have fun and as always, I can't wait to read your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)


  1. shirt was made in new zealand b. my sharpner was made in yukon 2. yes i did acheve my goal but it was a challenge.

  2. pluzze form england
    book HOLES from U.S.A
    radio from China
    razer China
    cream China
    clock Japen
    telphone malaysia
    marcker China
    white uot thailand
    webkinz ChinA

  3. it was most in china

  4. 2. Yes I think I achieved most of my goals but some I didn't. I am doing very good in math. I like multiplying and dividing. I have been trying to be neater and take my time when doing my work. I didn't achieve my goal of listening better because I got a warning letter about throwing snowballs, but i wont do this again.

  5. 1 I was samprasin about my first treasure hunt . 2 no becans i did ,int gray to do tame

  6. the most suprising thing i found is dishes made Sri lanka the second is a wood en box made in china. :)

  7. 1. my shoes were made from china and my shirt was made from mexico.


  8. Mr.B for question one, what is the treasure hunt. For question two, I did score 5 goals in hockey, I did help as many people as I can and so far I have gotten at least level 3+ on everything. Tomorrow on Casi I also hope I get level 3+, but it is now January so I think it dosn't count.

  9. 1. My two most surprising things I found in the treasure hunt were a wooden stool made in Thailand and for my last one, a snow globe made in Germany! China was the most popular, it makes the most things I found!

  10. Great answer brody109! China does make a lot of "things". :-)

  11. Re: parker109

    It is never too late to set a goal! Level 3+ would be great!

    The treasure hunt was the worksheet that was sent home before the holiday break. You needed to find objects in your home that were made outside of Canada.

    I hope that helps.

  12. Can you clarify what your answer to number 2 says josh109? thanks.

    What surprised you about what you found? Where were the objects from?

  13. Re: brody109

    Good to hear regarding the snowball issue.

  14. Your dishes have travelled a long way mack109!

  15. That is a great list emmalee109! However, don't forget to put the question in your answer and use full sentences please!

    Regarding your goals: I'm not sure what Yes/No means? Can you please elaborate.

  16. Your sharpener was made in the Yukon jordan109? How cool is that?

    Regarding your goals: How do you know you have achieved them? You haven't received your report card yet.

  17. Hey Mr.B when I was looking around my house I found two things that realy serprised me. My moms shoes were made in China and my dads were made in New Zeland.

  18. Two of my most surprising finds were from Malaysia that was an old converter for a T.V., and my other one was a glass cup from Turkey. For my goals I achieved both of them pretty well.

  19. 1.The four most surprising things to me were my sweater from Pakistan ,my couch from Italy ,the dictionary from Singapore and our telephone from Mexico.
    I think that I have achived my goal in writing neater and reading over my work better.

  20. 2. Mr.B my first surprising object is that my dish washer is made in U.S.A, I thought it would be made in China. My second surprising object is that my my t-shirt was made in India and I thought it would be made in China.

  21. 1. The two most suprising things I found in my house is , bananas from Costa rica ,tortilla strips from Mexico and a Webster's English Dictionary from India.

    2. I didn't acheive my goal baecause it is hard not to fight with my brother and Jordan because, Jordan is like my brother too, so he can seem like a normal, regular brother , annoying, and I am probaly exactly like that to him too. Exept, I am like a sister to him.

  22. no i meant for term 1 but if we weren't supposed to then i didn't achieved it yet.

  23. What I found that surprised me was that my table was made in Malaysia, but the maching chairs were made in Taiwan, and they came in the same box. Yes I did acheve my goal because before I could not do 9x1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and now I can. |:] <-you.

  24. 1. My most surprising finds were my pajama shirt (made in Bangladesh) and a fridge magnet (made in Taiwan).

    2. I didn't acheive all my goals. I achived one that I remember, I acheived putting up the sotd at least 3 more times before the end of december. I didn't achieve a goal that was " finish all unfinished work by the end of december.

  25. Mr.B do you like my answer?

  26. My pants were made in edlata.i did most of it

  27. 1. One of them was a table made in mexico.
    2. second one was a oven made in russia.

    yes because i listened more to the picture.

  28. Hi Mr.B my some of the things that serpised me is my shoes from china and one of my shirts are from Haiti. Yes i do think i acheved my goals because i have been paying more attention and i have been working harder.

  29. 1.My sweatshrit is made in vietnam and my shrit is made in china

  30. my shoes were made in china and my sweater was made in switserland. yes because i did to achev my goals.

  31. 1. The two most cool things is a fork made in Korea and my coat made in Bangledesh. 2. Yes I acheved my goals by moving to the front of the class.

  32. And my t shert was made in china

  33. 2.yes I did bcouse I wanted to achieved my goal(s)

  34. Yes i have achived my goal it was to get a shutout and i just got one against Parkers team on Tusday.

  35. My mom's scarf is made in chine and my webkien is made in chine to.

  36. 1. My pants were made in Ejypt and my sweatshirt was made in China.
    2. No I didn't achieve my goals because I did not have any but I will
    try to achieve my goals for January.

  37. 1. I found something really cool my dads shoes are made in New Zeland and my shoes are made in China.
