Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Describe Your Future Robot Servant

Imagine a future in which we each have a personalized robot servant.  What would yours be like?  What would it do?  What would it look like?  What would it talk like?  What features would it have?

Create a new blog post answering these questions, plus anymore that you can think of.  Don’t forget to include an introduction, body and conclusion!

Please double-check your writing before you hit the submit button.  Have you answered all of the questions?  Did you fix all of your grammar/spelling mistakes?  Did you take your time and really develop your answer?

Once this has been completed and posted on your blog, read and respond to at least 3 other people’s posts.

Good luck and be creative!

Mr. Boettger :-)

Historical Journal/Triarama

For this blog entry, I would like you to add what you think is the best part of your recent history/social studies project.  What demonstrates your best writing?  The most interesting?  The most creative?  Grade 7s:  Was it a certain journal entry or two?   Grade 6s:  Was it the interesting facts?  The biography?

Please double-check your writing before you hit the submit button.  Have you answered all of the questions? Did you fix all of your grammar/spelling mistakes?

Don’t forget to jazz up your post with pictures or videos.  :-)

Once this has been completed and posted on your blog, read and respond to at least 3 other people’s posts.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger :-)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Fair Poem

Grade 6 Poem:

Leaves are falling, soft as snowflakes,
Red and yellow, gold and brown;
The breeze laughs gaily in the treetops,
Shaking all the colour down.

Leaves are covering the gardens
As my blanket covers me.
When cold winter comes, the flowers
Will be warm as warm can be.

Grade 7 Poem:

In autumn when the trees are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky.

The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you
like the leaves of Autumn.