Showing posts with label student blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student blogging. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

Create A List of Something

Before you begin this week's blog assignment, please make sure that you have completed last week's blog post first. Thank-you. 

Lists are popular. Very popular. Your job this week is to create at least 3 different lists. Create a top 10, or better yet a top 20 list. Lists of your favourite movies, books, food, influential people, or any other topic can easily generate buzz. Let's create some buzz...just keep it appropriate for school.

Don't forget to include a picture(s) in your post and to give credit where credit is due on everything you have used. 

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Your First Blog Post

The first entry you will be making to your blog this year is an "All About Me" post. You will need to write a paragraph (make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post please) that introduces yourself to the world. Please remember to follow our blogging rules. Refresh your memory HERE.

Once you have completed your paragraph, you will need to take add a few pictures that you feel represents who you are and post them with your paragraph. Don't forget to provide credit with where you got your pictures from. Make sure you ask someone (or better yet, look it up yourself) if you don't know how to do something with your blog. 

Once this has been completed and posted on your blog, read and respond to at least 3 other people’s posts.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Internet Safety

Hello, my trusty Grade 7s and welcome to your very first "blog" lesson!

Establishing Expectations for Behaviour: The Dos and Don'ts for Online Student Communication

Please read the "Dos and Don'ts for Online Student Communication" below:

Use each other's names.  Using a person's name when you respond to his/her posting creates a friendly online tone.  However, do not use the person's full name.  Instead, please use the username the school board has given to you (the first four initials of your first name and a random 4 digit number).

Read questions and conversational postings carefully to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Compliment your peers when they post strong responses or contribute to original ideas.

Ask questions.  If anything is unclear or you want further information or insight on a topic, just ask.  If you have a question, there are probably other members of the group who are confused and need further clarification as well.

Be considerate. Remember that your peers cannot see your body language or hear your tone of voice, so you need to keep your language direct and respectful.

Avoid slang, jargon and sarcasm.

Listen to all ideas presented.  Remember there is no right or wrong in a discussion.  A variety of perspectives add depth and I love depth!  :-)

Stay open-minded.

Respond instead of reacting.  Do not write a response if you are angry or upset.  Instead, wait until you have had time to calm down and collect your thoughts.

Really read your peers responses.  Avoid skimming.  Respect the time your peers have spent articulating their thoughts by reading carefully and thoughtfully.

Reread your messages before sending them to ensure that your ideas are clearly communicated and supported.

Critique the content, not the person.

Do not present your personal opinions as fact.  Back up your ideas with information to strengthen your statements.

Courteously answer all questions addressed directly to you.

Make "I" statements when respectfully disagreeing.  Sharing an opposing opinion or idea is an important part of the discussion, but it needs to be presented in a constructive manner that encourages further discussion.

Do not use all caps when writing.  It is interpreted as yelling.

Avoid emotional punctuation, like exclamation points, unless you are complimenting an idea shared.

Have I missed anything?  Is there anything that you would like to add to the list?  Please let me know in the comments section.

Thank you for your feedback and let's have a great year blogging!  :-)

Mr. Boettger

Please remember this about the internet and privacy:  Photo courtesy of Dave Hoffman

As well as this:  This picture pretty much sums everything up!  I can't remember where I found it.  So, apologies to the person that made it.  When I find it again, I will give the proper credit!

Be safe everyone!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Kiln People

Kiln People  is novel written by David Brin and I can't say as though I have read it (and therefore can't recommend it), but the concept of the novel is rather interesting.

Kiln People, is about a society where you can create clay copies of yourself to do various tasks (e.g. mental tasks, dangerous tasks etc.) while you do something else.  Then at the end of the day, you download their memories back into you. 

So, here is a pretty deep question for this week.  If you had 5 copies of yourself to use this week, what would you have them do?  Make sure you take the time and think about your response before you type it up.  Don't forget to double-check your work for spelling/grammar mistakes.  

Once you have completed your answer, read and respond to at least 2 peers.

As always, I can't wait to see your responses. 

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Change the World

In our guided reading, we have been having some excellent discussions about how we can change the world in a positive way.  This week's question continues from where we left off.

If you could change two things about the world, what would it be? Why would you make these changes?  Make sure you develop your answer before you publish it!

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students. Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Revolutionary Optimists

Children are working to save lives in poor areas of Kolkata, India. They work to combat poverty, forced child labour and through their efforts, dramatically transform their neighbourhoods.

That’s the premise of The Revolutionary Optimists, a documentary airing on PBS’ Independent Lens. Filmed over the course of several years, the film shows young people as change makers, fighting for a better future.

After viewing the clips, answer the following questions:  Make sure you develop your answer before you publish it!

1.  The children Amlan Ganguly works with goes to community elders to ask for a new playground and other things.  Write a paragraph that explains what neighbourhood improvements you would make to your community. The paragraph should detail the ways in which those improvements would enhance everyday life for the community’s residents.

2.  In the clip Amlan Ganguly talks about the ways his work with the children empowers them to fight for a better life for themselves, their friends, and future generations. Write a paragraph describing the one person in your life who inspires you to be the best you can be.

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Animal Testing

The human brain has over 100 billion nerve cells - it is the most complex organ in the human body. Scientists spend a great deal of time studying the human brain and, while they have discovered a lot, they have yet to fully master and understand this remarkable organ. Understanding the connection between brain cells, behavior and disease is important and scientists have developed a variety of new techniques that will help them map brain activity.

Watch the video and then answer the following questions:

In the video you saw laboratory tests being conducted on mice.

1.  Are you 'for' or 'against' scientific tests on animals?
2.  If scientists were not able to test on animals, how would they conduct their experiments?
3.  Are there any instances when you would support animal testing?

Once you have completed your selections and posted your explanation, read and respond to at least 2 peers.

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Modern Day Expedition

Imagine you were given the opportunity to join a modern-day expedition that was setting out to explore an unknown territory.  This expedition would be supplied with the best technology possible. You are not sure what you will find because no man/woman has ever gone there.  There is a risk of danger and you do not know when you will be able to return home to your family and friends.

Would you accept the invitation? Why or why not?  List 5 reasons to support your answer.

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

 Mr. Boettger :-)

Monday, September 24, 2018

Your First Blog Post

The first entry you will be making to your blog this year is an "All About Me" post. You will need to write a paragraph (make sure you check your spelling and grammar before you post please) that introduces yourself to the world. Please remember to follow our blogging rules. Refresh your memory HERE.

Once you have completed your paragraph, you will need to take a picture of this week's art (your goal sheet portrait and your "I am" picture) and post them with your paragraph. Make sure you ask someone (or better yet, look it up yourself) if you don't know how to do something with your blog. 

Once this has been completed and posted on your blog, read and respond to at least 3 other people’s posts.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Internet Safety

Hello, my trusty Grade 6/7s and welcome to your very first "blog" lesson!

Establishing Expectations for Behaviour: The Dos and Don'ts for Online Student Communication

Please read the "Dos and Don'ts for Online Student Communication" below:

Use each other's names.  Using a person's name when you respond to his/her posting creates a friendly online tone.  However, do not use the person's full name.  Instead, please use the username the school board has given to you (the first four initials of your first name and a random 4 digit number).

Read questions and conversational postings carefully to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Compliment your peers when they post strong responses or contribute to original ideas.

Ask questions.  If anything is unclear or you want further information or insight on a topic, just ask.  If you have a question, there are probably other members of the group who are confused and need further clarification as well.

Be considerate. Remember that your peers cannot see your body language or hear your tone of voice, so you need to keep your language direct and respectful.

Avoid slang, jargon and sarcasm.

Listen to all ideas presented.  Remember there is no right or wrong in a discussion.  A variety of perspectives add depth and I love depth!  :-)

Stay open-minded.

Respond instead of reacting.  Do not write a response if you are angry or upset.  Instead, wait until you have had time to calm down and collect your thoughts.

Really read your peers responses.  Avoid skimming.  Respect the time your peers have spent articulating their thoughts by reading carefully and thoughtfully.

Reread your messages before sending them to ensure that your ideas are clearly communicated and supported.

Critique the content, not the person.

Do not present your personal opinions as fact.  Back up your ideas with information to strengthen your statements.

Courteously answer all questions addressed directly to you.

Make "I" statements when respectfully disagreeing.  Sharing an opposing opinion or idea is an important part of the discussion, but it needs to be presented in a constructive manner that encourages further discussion.

Do not use all caps when writing.  It is interpreted as yelling.

Avoid emotional punctuation, like exclamation points, unless you are complimenting an idea shared.

Have I missed anything?  Is there anything that you would like to add to the list?  Please let me know in the comments section.

Thank you for your feedback and let's have a great year blogging!  :-)

Mr. Boettger

Please remember this about the internet and privacy:  Photo courtesy of Dave Hoffman

As well as this:  This picture pretty much sums everything up!  I can't remember where I found it.  So, apologies to the person that made it.  When I find it again, I will give the proper credit!

Be safe everyone!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Role Models

Many athletes and celebrities fall into the category of role models, regardless if they choose to be or not and I find this to be an extremely interesting topic.  Watch the Lebron James commercial below and answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that celebrities/athletes make good role models?
2. Do you look up to any celebrities/athletes?  If so, tell me why.  If not, tell me why.  :-)
3. Do you think they should assume the responsibility of acting as a role model to young kids, regardless if they want to or not?

*cough..cough*  Don't forget to put the question in your answer! :-)

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

- I am really looking forward to reading your responses and opinions on this one.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Ideal Human Being

Your task this week is to write a description of the ideal human being. The individual with the finest set of attributes (personality traits), attitudes, life aspirations, and personal values. When you have completed that, compare that "ideal" human being to you. What do you have in common? What are you still working on?

Remember the rules for posting information to the web:

- NEVER post any personal information and use only first names, please.
- Put the question in your answer and always write using full sentences.
- Proofread your work (watch your spelling and grammar) before you post it.
- Keep it appropriate for school.
- Have fun and be creative!

As always, I am looking forward to reading your answers!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Friday, March 2, 2018

This Week's Blogging Task


Hello, my trusty grade 7s!

You have three blogging tasks this week:

1. If you haven't finished any of your previous blogs - that should be your first priority.

2. Complete this week's blog question: If you could have dinner with three famous people (and I am using the term "famous" pretty loosely here) dead or alive, who would they be and why? What restaurant would you take them to? Make sure you develop your answer before you publish to the web.

It could be a scientist that you've read about, a humanitarian, an obscure musician, or a little-known poet. Do some research and put a lot of thought into this. I am really curious to know who you come up with and I can't wait to read your responses.

Don't forget to include pictures and perhaps a good video if you come across one.

3. Your final task this week is to comment on at least five (5) different student's blogs.

Mr. Boettger

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Nick Foles

Photo courtesy:

Article/idea courtesy of Larry Ferlazzo

Nick Foles is a Superbowl MVP and champion. Check out this meaningful quote from the Eagles quarterback:

“I think the big thing is don’t be afraid to fail,” Foles said. “In our society today, with Instagram and Twitter, it’s a highlight. It’s all the good things. When you look at it, you have a bad day, you think your life isn’t as good, you’re failing. Failure is a part of life. It’s a part of building character and growing. Without failure, who would you be? I wouldn’t be up here if I hadn’t fallen thousands of times, made mistakes. We all are human. We all have weaknesses. Just being able to share that and be transparent.

“I know when people speak and share their weaknesses, I listen. Because I can (relate). I’m not perfect. I’m not Superman. We might be in the NFL and we might have just won the Super Bowl, but we all have daily struggles…. I think when you look at a struggle in your life, just know that it’s an opportunity for your character to grow.”

Answer the following questions:

1. What does Nick Foles say about failure?
2. What does he say about comparing yourself to others?
3. Can you relate to this message? Provide me with a school appropriate example of where you have "fallen" and then got back up.
4. To what extent do you agree with what he or she is saying? To support your opinion, be sure to include specific examples drawn from your own experience, your observations of others, or any of your readings.

Here is the video of him actually saying it:

Here are a few 2017 highlights from Nick Foles:

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Fun Theory

The Fun Theory is a Volkswagen initiative and it is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better. What do you think?

Watch the following videos and then answer this week's blog question:

Find the fun:

Now it's your turn to try the fun theory. Choose a task that is typically boring and make it fun! Describe why your game or "angle" on the chore is more entertaining.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger :-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Marshmallow Test

It could be argued that our culture is now being fuelled by immediate gratification.  When we want something, we want it now and more often than not, our wish is granted.  For example, if we don't know something, we can look it up on-line and usually have the answer within seconds.  Like a song you heard on the radio?  You can easily download the song within minutes.  If you are hungry and don't have the "time" to make something, any number of fast food restaurants are more than happy to cook you dinner in a record amount of time.

Watch the video below and answer the following questions:

- What are some other examples of people being unable or unwilling to wait?
-  Is this a positive move in the right direction, or a negative one?
-  Describe what is going through one of the kid's mind as (s)he tries to resist the temptation to eat the marshmallow.
- Would you be able to pass the test when you were little? What about now?

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Monday, December 18, 2017

Get Caught Up/Your Choice

This week is going to be a get caught up week on your blog and if you are completely caught up, you may write about whatever you would like (as long as it is appropriate for school). Don't forget to include a picture or a video in your post.

Once you have posted your blog post, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least five (5) other students. Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Desert Island Dilemma

If you knew you would be stranded on a desert island for 1 year, which 5 objects would you bring with you? Keep in mind that there is NO electricity on the island! Choose your objects carefully and then explain your choices in a brief paragraph. Don't forget to include a video/picture/link etc.

Once you have completed your selections and posted your explanation, read and respond to at least 5 peers.

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Monday, November 20, 2017

Future You

Think about what you will be doing in twenty years. Give me as many details as you can.

For example:

Where will you be living?
What will you be doing for a living?
What kind of car will you be driving?
What kind of house will you be living in?
Will you want to be married or still single?

And so on...

Please take your time and write thoughtfully. Don't forget about organizing your paragraphs and to double-check your spelling and grammar.

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Kiln People

Kiln People  is novel written by David Brin and I can't say as though I have read it (and therefore can't recommend it), but the concept of the novel is rather interesting.

Kiln People, is about a society where you can create clay copies of yourself to do various tasks (e.g. mental tasks, dangerous tasks etc.) while you do something else.  Then at the end of the day, you download their memories back into you. 

So, here is a pretty deep question for this week.  If you had 5 copies of yourself to use this week, what would you have them do?  Make sure you take the time and think about your response before you type it up.  Don't forget to double-check your work for spelling/grammar mistakes.  

Once you have completed your answer, read and respond to at least 2 peers.

As always, I can't wait to see your responses. 

Mr. Boettger  :-)