Hello class!
Now that you have seen your Term #1 report cards, it is time to sit back and reflect on how well you did. There are several questions that you should be asking yourself. Are you happy with how the term went? Did you work to your full potential? Could you do better? Do you want to do better? Did you achieve this term's goals? If not, what could you have done differently? Hopefully, your response to most of these questions is a resounding "yes". However, even if you did answer "yes", it doesn't mean that you can't improve in some capacity and that is where this week's question comes into play.
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your future. Not just for your future here in Grade 4 or 5, but in your entire school career as well as continuing onto your adult life. It is an excellent habit/skill to try and master. By setting goals you will be able to decide where you would like to go in life and have complete control on how to get there. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you will always know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your course. More than this, properly-set goals can be incredibly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you'll find that your self-confidence builds fast and that is always a good thing! :-)
So, your goal this week is to set a few goals. You see what I did there? :-) Unlike in class, these goals do not have to be classroom related. Your goal(s) can be classroom related, sports related, family related etc. There are no set limits here except for one small tidbit. You must be able to accomplish your goal by the end of December.
In order for something to be a goal:
- It has to be important to you, personally.
- It has to be within your power to make it happen through your own actions.
- It has to be something you have a reasonable chance of achieving.
- It must be clearly defined and have a specific plan of action.
To summarize:
1. Tell me here what your goal(s) for the next month and a half will be. (re-read the above list over again to make sure your goal is a good one!)
2. Accomplish your goal by the end of December.
3. Provide me with updates as you go or if you need help achieving it.
4. Have fun and start over-achieving! :-)
Mr. Boettger :-)
Don't forget about the video I showed you at the beginning of the year. Feel free to watch it again if you have forgotten!
Finish Strong
This week's bonus question is: Who is the person credited with creating this wonderful piece of technology we call the "internet"?