Showing posts with label online assignments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online assignments. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Science Quiz

Welcome to your first online assignment Grade 7's!

Feel free to use any resource you would like to find the answer.  Take your time and read the questions carefully.  I want to try and eliminate all silly mistakes. :-)

I've tried to make things a little easier by embedded the quiz right into the blog.  However, if you would like to see a full-screen version, just click this link.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gr. 6: Social Studies Assignment!

Hello Grade 6's!

Same rules as always.  Feel free to use any resource you would like to find the answers.  Good luck!

Mr. Boettger

Click here for the full-screen version.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Health assignment!

Hello my trusty Gr. 5/6's!

Same rules as always.  Feel free to use any resource you would like to find the answers.  Good luck!

Click here to display the full-screen version.

Mr. Boettger

Friday, June 3, 2011

Grade 5 - Social Studies Assignment

It is time once again to complete an online assignment. This time it is a social studies assignment and the same rules apply. Feel free to use whatever resource you would like to find the answer! Last time there were some "silly" mistakes. So, take your time and read the questions carefully. I've tried to make things a little easier and have embedded the assignments right into the blog. If you are having trouble reading the embedded version, click here for the full screen version.

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger

Monday, May 16, 2011

Science Assignments!

It is time once again to complete an online assignment. This time it is a science assignment and the same rules apply. Feel free to use whatever resource you would like to find the answer! Last time there were some "silly" mistakes. So, take your time and read the questions carefully. I've tried to make things a little easier and have embedded the assignments right into the blog. Make sure you complete the right one please! : )

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger

Grade 5 Assignment:

Grade 6 Assignment:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Language Assignment - Questions to Mr. K. Oppel

Having just finished reading the "Silverwing Saga" and "Darkwing" think of a question (or several) you would like to ask Mr. Kenneth Oppel. Be creative and try not to ask him something he may have been asked several times before.  To make sure you don't do this, check out the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of his website. 

When you think you have at least two (2) well thought out questions, please post them on the class "Wallwisher"  found below.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Science Assignments!

Hello everyone!

It is time once again to complete an online assignment. This time it is a science assignment and the same rules apply. Feel free to use whatever resource you would like to find the answer! Last time there were some "silly" mistakes. So, take your time and read the questions carefully. I've tried to make things a little easier and have embedded the assignments right into the blog.  Make sure you complete the right one please!  : )

Good luck!

Mr. Boettger

Monday, January 24, 2011

Health Assignments

Hello everyone!

Here is your next set of online assignments.  This time it is a health assignment and the same rules apply. Feel free to use whatever resource you need to find the answer! 

Good luck!

Both of the assignments need to be completed.

Mr. Boettger

Health Assignment - Tobacco

Health Assignment - Alcohol

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Online assignments

Welcome to your first online science and social studies assignment of the year! Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly!

Feel free to use any resource you would like to find the answer! Good luck!

Just click on the appropriate link:

Grade 5 "Human Body" assignment

Grade 5 "Ancient Greece" assignment

Grade 6 "Diversity of Living Things" assignment

Grade 6 "Aboriginal Peoples" assignment

Good luck!

Mr. B  :-)

Monday, June 7, 2010

First online science assignment!

Welcome to your first online science assignment Grade 5's! Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!

Feel free to use any resource you would like to find the answer! Good luck!

Just click on the following link:

Grade 5 Science Test