Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I am excited about the next set of projects that we are going to be working on in class over the next few weeks!  The first project (which you will receive in the next day or two) that you will be working on is designing an interactive poster using a program called Glogster.

I have included a few tutorials below to get you started.  I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Mr. Boettger :-)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glogster Projects!

We have finally finished our Glogster projects and some of them look fantastic!  Considering this is the first time we have used the program, everyone did a great job of designing your posters!  These are so much better than just regular "paper" posters!  Now that you guys are becoming pros, I can't wait to see the next round of posters!

Remember the two aspects of our work that we need to focus on this time are:

1)  Putting all of your information into your own words.
2)  Not forgetting to add your "bibliography"

Here is just a small sampling of some of those posters.

Michelle's Glog on Hestia
Sierra's Glog on Hera
Brody's Glog on Christopher Columbus
Mack's Glog on Jacques Cartier
Tyler's Glog on Sieur de la Salle
Alley's Glog on George Vancouver

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cereal Box Project

For those who are going to work on their "Cereal Box" project this weekend, click below for the actual assignment.  Don't forget that it is due on February 8th! 

Cereal Box Project

On a side note, I have also updated all of the class newsletters.  "Click" on by and see what we are up to!

Good luck and have a great weekend!

Mr. Boettger  : )

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New projects are coming your way!

First of all, a big thank-you to those who voted on the "wiki" project.  I am glad that everyone liked working on them and I will definitely do it again this year.  It is a great way to compile a lot of research and my goal is to eventually have an online textbook that we can all use.  The best part is that I learned a lot from reading them.  I love when I can learn along with you.  Good job!  One thing we definitely need to work on for the next time is completing a proper bibliography and putting the research into your own words.  Don't worry - we will get there.  : )

Secondly, the Grade 5 glogster project on the 3 R's is up on Edmodo.  Check it out and get started as soon as possible.  It is due on February 14th!  Don't forget to turn it in to me when you are finished.  This is also just a gentle reminder for the Grade 6's - Don't forget your "house" project is due on February 11th. 

Third and lastly, look for your online science assignments to be coming in the next few days, as well as some of our glogster posters appearing here!

Have a great day!

Mr. Boettger