Monday, November 5, 2018

Revolutionary Optimists

Children are working to save lives in poor areas of Kolkata, India. They work to combat poverty, forced child labour and through their efforts, dramatically transform their neighbourhoods.

That’s the premise of The Revolutionary Optimists, a documentary airing on PBS’ Independent Lens. Filmed over the course of several years, the film shows young people as change makers, fighting for a better future.

After viewing the clips, answer the following questions:  Make sure you develop your answer before you publish it!

1.  The children Amlan Ganguly works with goes to community elders to ask for a new playground and other things.  Write a paragraph that explains what neighbourhood improvements you would make to your community. The paragraph should detail the ways in which those improvements would enhance everyday life for the community’s residents.

2.  In the clip Amlan Ganguly talks about the ways his work with the children empowers them to fight for a better life for themselves, their friends, and future generations. Write a paragraph describing the one person in your life who inspires you to be the best you can be.

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

Mr. Boettger  :-)

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