Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Animal Testing

The human brain has over 100 billion nerve cells - it is the most complex organ in the human body. Scientists spend a great deal of time studying the human brain and, while they have discovered a lot, they have yet to fully master and understand this remarkable organ. Understanding the connection between brain cells, behavior and disease is important and scientists have developed a variety of new techniques that will help them map brain activity.

Watch the video and then answer the following questions:

In the video you saw laboratory tests being conducted on mice.

1.  Are you 'for' or 'against' scientific tests on animals?
2.  If scientists were not able to test on animals, how would they conduct their experiments?
3.  Are there any instances when you would support animal testing?

Once you have completed your selections and posted your explanation, read and respond to at least 2 peers.

Mr. Boettger  :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Modern Day Expedition

Imagine you were given the opportunity to join a modern-day expedition that was setting out to explore an unknown territory.  This expedition would be supplied with the best technology possible. You are not sure what you will find because no man/woman has ever gone there.  There is a risk of danger and you do not know when you will be able to return home to your family and friends.

Would you accept the invitation? Why or why not?  List 5 reasons to support your answer.

Once you have posted your response, read the responses posted by your peers and reply thoughtfully to at least two other students.  Compliment strong points, make connections, ask questions and build on ideas shared!

As always, I look forward to reading your responses!

 Mr. Boettger :-)